
The Report is offered with opportunity to meet and consult with the author, ongoing advice/consultancy and early access to regular updates.

About the Author

Dr Jenny Longmore, through her background (oversight of the autism research field) and expertise (pharmacology and drug discovery) is uniquely positioned to  provide an unparalleled understanding and  independent  interpretation of the advances in biomedical autism research and to translate into a thoroughly informed view of market opportunities for pharmaceutical researchers and developers.


Jenny Longmore says…. 'I owe enormous debt to Autistica and Autism Speaks Inc, since my roles with these two charitable funders embedded me at the cutting edge of research and allowed the privilege of seeing high impact discoveries unfold and new scientific knowledge develop. My gratitude extends to numerous colleagues I have worked alongside, who have so generously given their time and offered strong professional guidance and not least to the individuals and families affected by autism spectrum disorders who allowed insight into their lives'.

Expert Reports


Jenny Longmore



Currently being updated

This report was published in 2013 as an independent, authoritative review intended to stimulate interest and inform activity in the pharmaceutical industry, research institutions and service provision. Since 2013, whilst the background of the prevalence of autism, patient numbers and clinical need remain essentially unaltered, there have been clinical trial failures prompting reflection and learning of the reasons why and how this field may be taken forward in the future.

Table of Contents


Includes: prevalence of autism spectrum disorders (and patient numbers); core autism symptomatology and associated mental health problems; positioning of current pharmaceutical interventions.

Reasons to purchase - gain immediate insight into:

  • market opportunity;
  • unmet clinical need.


Includes: present and future use of medicines; repurposing; advances in understanding the aetiology of developmental disorders and how this driving drug discovery; emerging biomarkers and novel pharmacological targets; trends that are shaping future markets.

Reasons to purchase – gain immediate insight into:

  • the aetiology of neurodevelopmental disorders;
  • novel targets for drug discovery;
  • how pharmaceutical companies are exploiting opportunities.

What's included

  • Interactive PDF with hyperlinked references and information sources (or printed copy);
  • Main period covered 2007-2012;
  • Full report: 136 pages, 300 references.

Pricing *60% discount on all prices

  • Single user

    £800 for either Part 1 or Part 2
    £1300 for full report (both Parts)

  • Small user group

    £2000 for either Part 1 or Part 2
    £3200 for full report (both Parts)

  • Larger user group

    £2500 for either Part 1 or Part 2
    £4400 for full report (both Parts)